Where to Buy Plants in Karachi


If you’re interested in Buy plants in Karachi, there are several ways to do so. You can find a local store that sells them, or you can order them online. Using the latter option will allow you to purchase them in bulk.


Conocarpus is a tree which is growing in huge numbers in Karachi, Pakistan. This tree is causing problems in the city and has ruined the environment of the city. The people have to take action against the tree.

Imran Khan has ordered a campaign to stop more plantation of this tree in the city. The main objective of this campaign is to make people aware of the harmful effects of this tree. It has been found that the pollen from this plant causes respiratory and allergy problems.

Another reason why the government has prohibited the sale of this plant is that it is a threat to the environment of the city. It has been seen that the tree can absorb large amounts of water and it can damage the sewer and water lines.


Chrysanthemums are one of the most important fall flowers, offering a stunning show in your home garden. They are available in several sizes, colors, and shapes.

You can grow a few varieties at a time. Some are exotic. Others are more traditional. Plant them in a sunny spot. Be sure to water them regularly. These flowers will last for a long time.

When you buy chrysanthemums, make sure you get a good variety. Different varieties are more resistant to diseases and pests than others. Also, keep in mind that the plants can only be divided every two years.

A number of cultivars are trained to form different forms, including a tabletop. For example, some have bicolored ray florets.

Golden pothos

Pothos plants can be a great addition to your home. They are easy to grow, but they require good lighting and high humidity. There are a few different types of pothos you can choose from. The most popular is the Golden Pothos.

Unlike most houseplants, the Pothos can tolerate low light. It is an excellent air cleaner. However, it can be irritating to people and pets.

Pothos should be watered as needed. Watering too often can cause the leaves to turn brown and the plant to become stunted. When the soil becomes too damp, the roots will rot.

This can be avoided by regularly wiping down the pothos. You can also wipe the leaves with neem oil.

Coconut palms

If you live in Karachi, you can purchase coconut palms from a number of sources. You can find them in juice and milkshake shops, or even on lawns in local residences.

The coconut palm is the tree of life. It has a variety of uses, from making rich coconut milk to being a source of medicine. Depending on the variety of the palm, you may get large or tiny coconuts. Coconuts are also known to prevent caesarians in pregnant women.

The coconut palm can grow in a variety of soil conditions. It thrives in full sun, and is drought-tolerant. To ensure it survives, it is important to keep it well watered.

Salty soil

Saline soils can be a nightmare for farmers. Fortunately, scientists have found ways to boost crop productivity by improving physico-chemical properties of the land. They are also developing salt tolerant crops in hopes of alleviating this pressing issue.

Plant breeders and genetic engineers are working on the next generation of salt tolerant crops. These are currently tested on salt affected lands in Pakistan. In addition to conventional screening methods, scientists are using innovative approaches to help farmers produce better crops.

In a nutshell, salinity remediation is an expensive and labor intensive process. As a result, farmers are often left with abandoned fields. The good news is that a little effort can go a long way in restoring saline-alkali soils.

Pollen allergens

Pollen allergens play a crucial role in the reproductive process of plants. However, only a few studies have been successful in expressing pollen allergens in plants. These findings may help scientists understand the structure and function of pollen proteins and lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for identifying and treating allergies.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University recently published a study in Plant Physiology that examined the structure and functions of several potential pollen allergens. They studied the proteins in two model plants, poplar and mugwort, to compare their post-translational modifications and secondary structure.

The researchers found that the mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 contains an endogenous signal peptide that directs it to enter the secretory pathway. In addition, Art v 1 has an O-glycan, composed of arabinoses, which is important for IgE binding epitope formation.