History of Wisdom Teeth


The majority of people require their wisdom teeth extracted, therefore why do we need teeth in the first place? This is a brief history lesson of wisdom teeth as well as the crucial role they played!

Wisdom teeth were an invaluable asset for our predecessors. The typical diet was comprised of chewy plants as well as meat that was not cooked Third teeth (wisdom teeth) which easily fit our ancestral bigger jaws, were crucially important. Wisdom teeth were the natural solution to the requirement for chewing strength to fight excessive wear.

Our diets today aren’t as rough as the ones of our ancestors. With modern-day marvels such as spoons, forks, and knives, in addition to more palatable food choices, the requirement for teeth wisdom is nearly absent. However, approximately 65 percent of the human population has wisdom teeth, which typically erupt between the ages of 17 to 25.

While wisdom teeth were extremely beneficial to our ancestors, however, they can be some challenges for our modern mouth. Humans are now able to develop smaller jaws. As a result, wisdom teeth tend to be too large for the jaw, or they are too small. In either case, third molars can be a nuisance in the mouth. Due to this absence of space, they tend to develop sideways, and only partially come out of the gums or even get trapped within the jawbone and gums.

Wisdom teeth that are impacted can be constantly contaminated by bacteria that cause tooth decay, gum inflammation and. Because they’re far from the mouth or buried beneath gums, it’s often difficult, and even impossible to keep their teeth clean. Although wisdom teeth do come fully in, they’re so far from the mouth, it’s too easy for food particles to become trapped, which can lead to plaque, cavities, and gum disease.

While wisdom teeth were important to our forefathers today, they are an unavoidable threat to dental health. Are you concerned about your child’s need for wisdom teeth removed? Contact us by phone at Office Phone number 949-760-1661 to learn more.