Can I Change Just One Tyre on My Car?


A ruptured or damaged tyre can cause serious accidents while driving on the highway or other roads. In addition, it can damage your car and most probably harm you and other passengers sitting in the car. Therefore, you and every other driver must maintain their car tyres frequently. So, they do not face this difficulty.

However, while you are taking care of the car tyres, several people will ask you to replace, align or change the position of all tyres. Sometimes, when you have tyres in Dubai, you do not have to change or reposition all the tyres. It can be done for one tyre as well. Though it depends on the situation. Read the article to learn more about the different variables to replace the tyres.

When Do You Need To Replace A Car Tyre?

The foremost reason for changing the tyre is the tyre tread depth. The tread depth of the tyres must be according to the car manual. The lower the car tyre tread is, the more challenging it would be for the drivers on wet and sloppy roads. The lower tread depth will not produce enough friction and traction on the road to stop the accident.

You could be ruining your car front tyres by not replacing them once a year. But unfortunately, this can also become the cause of an accident. Therefore, you need to change the tyre replacement so the car can be balanced, and friction has occurred equally at the back tires’ end.

Tyre pressure leakage, blowout, and over and under-inflated tires can become other reasons for serious car damage or accidents. Make sure car tyres are not older than 5 years. If they are, you need to change them accordingly.

Consider Replacing Only One Tyre

So here is the question asked by several drivers and maintenance providers ‘Can you change or replace one tyre of the car?’ The answer to this question depends on the car’s condition and other circumstances. Here are some of the reasons you must change or replace your car tyres for sure.

  1. Treads on the Other Tires
  2. Type of Tire
  3. Type of Vehicle

1. Treads On The Other Tires

The remaining tyres must still have enough tread to function properly and safely if only one or two tyres need to be replaced. On the other hand, you might just need to replace one or two tyres if your tyres are still relatively new. This is because you must replace all your tyres if worn out, and there is a difference of more than 4/32″ between the new and old tyres.

2. Type Of Tire

Your tyres should have the same tread pattern and tyre type. This means that regardless of whether they are front or rear tyres, you want all of your tyres to be identical and possess the same or nearly the same tread depth. Because little variations in tyres impact how they behave, especially how well your car can accelerate, halt, turn, and manage wet surfaces. You desire a stable, dependable driving environment. Choose the most comparable if the precise tyre model is not readily accessible.

3. Type Of Vehicle

Your vehicle has an all-wheel drive (AWD), right? If so, most automakers advise that you always replace all four tyres at once. Since the lower tread tyres spin more quickly than the new ones due to their smaller diameter.

An AWD vehicle’s wheels rotating at different rates will impose additional stress on the engine’s internals, which might cause serious harm and expensive repairs. It may be difficult to imagine that such a minor change can have such a large effect, but even modestly mismatched tyres can harm an AWD vehicle’s powertrain.


Nobody enjoys changing a tyre. But ultimately, we just want to make sure you’re riding safely. So, although it may appear to be an unnecessary expense to replace all four tyres after one flat, doing so is frequently the best decision for the safety of your car and everyone else on the road.


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