Can an Instagram bio stimulate sales? Little-known hacks to attract clients via 150 symbols


Are you looking for a striking bio to copy? followers on Instagram Stop it immediately – a non-genuine bio won’t work for a business account. By the end of this article, you will be able to make your authentic bio, highlighting your business’s value and encouraging viewers to tap on the Follow button. click here

Can an Instagram bio stimulate sales? Little-known hacks to attract clients via 150 symbols

Creating an Instagram bio is not only about your brand image – it can significantly affect your sales in the app and the growth of your tribe.

What’s more, the bio and name sections are searchable so that your clients can easily find your account if you use the right words. But how do you choose the right words for the fields with a limited number of symbols? I’ll show you how to make the most of these 150 characters.


If your mind wanders every time you need to think about creating a compelling bio, stop panicking. You don’t need to be creative – there is a certain blueprint that is designed to bring out your competitive advantages in 150 symbols. or if you want to show your profile batter and viral then get paid followers on Instagram


Your niche statement or a unique selling point shows why your activity (business, coaching, content) is valuable. This phrase makes users think:

This information (skills, goods, etc.) is what I’ve been looking for! – I will follow and share this account with my friends.

Your niche statement should be specific. Try to answer these questions:

What are the results (how people should feel after they try your product/service)?

After you answer these questions, the value of your business will become clear and you can easily define your advantages over your competitors.

An example of a niche statement for a social media coach:

I help business owners and amateur entrepreneurs to make profits with Instagram. I’ve been formulating promotion guidance since 2012 in the form of online courses and personal consultations. My clients’ incomes have grown by at least 40% in the first month after applying my strategies.

A sketch for a bio:

Since 2012 my guidance has helped people make millions with Instagram. Income growth by 40% in the first month. Click the link to get a free checklist.

Hack: Use a lead magnet (free stuff) to encourage users to click on the link in your bio. A lead magnet will help you amass your potential clients’ contacts and use this data in the next steps of your marketing funnel.

When you need to monitor top profiles in your niche, use the Inflact User Search. You can find competitors or partners in any category by keywords and contacts.

Note: This technique is not a blueprint. It’s likely to get your creative juices flowing and you will find better words for your bio after this brainstorming.


As I mentioned above, the bio and name sections are searchable.

It’s important to add keywords or search queries your clientele may use to find similar profiles.

It’s possible that your competitors already use these words. So, why not take away some ready-made ideas that can improve your Instagram SEO (read our blog post about Instagram SEO for more insights)?

You can use the User Search to view the list of competitors on one screen.

Choose your niche.

Copy the names and bios of your competitors that you like.

Figure out what words are used most often – write them down in a document or notes. Go to the next step if you want to do it automatically.


After you have examined your top rivals’ bios and copied them, you can use a special service that will help you see the words most commonly used (hence, the ones you need to include in your bio copy). or if you get more followers on Instagram just in 5 min than visit my site and get paid followers on instagram

Paste the text of bios from top profiles in your niche into a tag cloud creator.

View which words are used most frequently.

Try to use them in your bio.

Now your name and bio sections are adding value – they are SEO optimized and highlight your perks over competitors. Are you ready for the icing on the cake?


Finally, we come to the design of your bio. As our examination has shown, many Instagrammers decorate their names and bio descriptions with fancy fonts.

Don’t overuse bio fonts. Stick to 1-3 styles and use them in your description and captions.

There’s a special tool that helps you emphasize the essential information with unusual fonts. Fonts Generator is an online service where you can copy font styles right into your bio, copy, or story. Moreover, you can preview how a certain style looks in the bio section of the IG app.

Stand out with your IG bio


By this point, you’ve got a deeper understanding of a quality bio that may help you build an audience, drive leads to your website through a link, or convert customers.

Let’s buff up your knowledge with some inspiration and bright Instagram bio ideas for 2021.

I advise you to track the descriptions among your competitors and update this section of your profile. Test various bios and notice how it affects your general Instagram growth.

3 examples of compelling bios:

This bio for a wedding dress brand is specific and depicts its philosophy in just a few lines. Delicacy, intricacy, and custom designs are @chistienicole_bridal’s competitive advantages that their clientele values.

This account description brings out its value for the followers and customers – living a happy life at home. If that’s your goal, you’d immediately tap on the Follow button.

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This account does not even aim to sell anything. Its mission is to inspire followers to travel more with visuals. Could you find better words to transfer this message?


Your Instagram bio is not a section to fill with meaningless or copy-and-pasted text. You can take the fullest advantage of this section if you formulate your niche statement or a striking unique selling point. To stay in the loop of your competitors and offer more for clients, take a look at their descriptions regularly. User Search by Inflict will help you to perform this task more effortlessly.

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