The Abbreviated Version of the BN (British National Overseas)

The abbreviated version of the BN (British National) is a common way to apply for a passport as a British national living abroad.

British National
British National

The abbreviated version of the BN (British National) is a common way to apply for a passport as a British national living abroad. This status is also known as BN(O) status and is associated with the former British colony of Hong Kong. BNO Visa & passports can be used for a variety of purposes including employment, education, or self-support. There are two routes to obtain the BN(O) status: as a household member or as a status holder.

BN(O) passport

The British national overseas passport, commonly abbreviated as BN passport, is issued to British citizens who reside abroad. The Hong Kong Act 1985, which created the citizenship of British nationals in Hong Kong and the rest of Asia, gave birth to the BN citizenship. The BN passport is issued to British citizens who reside in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and the United States. You can apply for a BN passport online. Global BC highlights our stories every Friday and weekend to brighten your day. The five stories we wanted to share.

While BN(O) passports do not confer citizenship rights, they are recognized by many countries and can be used to travel visa-free. In the United Kingdom, BNO passport holders are considered British and are entitled to consular protection outside of China. Moreover, they can visit the United Kingdom without a visa and can even vote. This passport is recognized by many other countries as well, and is becoming more popular with international travelers.

BN(O) status

Until now, a British national overseas (BN(O)) status was reserved only for those born in the British Dependent Territories. However, the Government has now made it possible for those born in Hong Kong to apply for BN(O) status. This status entitles the holder and other eligible family members to live, work and study in the UK, and does not limit where they can settle.

For BN(O) status holders, securing employment without a National Insurance number is possible. The new immigration status does not require the person to provide a National Insurance number and allows employers to access data from the UK government without the need to request it. However, employers are required to conduct mandatory Right to Work checks on prospective employees. Using a National Insurance number does not constitute proof of right to work in the UK.

BN(O) status holder route

The British national overseas status holder route is open to British citizens who have a permanent residence permit in the UK. While dependent children of BN(O) status holders are not eligible to apply for the status on their own, they can do so with their BN(O) parent or spouse. The BN(O) route allows dependent children to stay in the UK after they have reached the age of eighteen.

An Adult Dependent Relative of a BN(O) status holder must be over 18 years old and be the BN(O) status holder’s child, brother or sister, or parent – Immigration Lawyers in UK. The BN(O) status holder’s spouse or former spouse also needs to be an adult. The BN(O) status holder must be willing to admit the dependent child, so they must provide care for the child.

BN(O) household member route

A British national overseas (BN(O)) can apply for UK residency under the Household Member Route, if they have been living in the UK for a minimum of five years and have dependent children. A BN(O) is allowed to work and study in the UK, and has access to public funds such as healthcare and education. It can stay in the UK indefinitely if they meet the requirements. Unlike a permanent resident, a BN(O) does not have to pay for their own housing or schooling in the UK.

BN(O) Status Holders cannot switch to the Household Member route. They must have a BN(O) Household Member and normally live with the BNO. They can bring their spouses or dependent partners, but not their own children. If the spouse is not over 18, he or she may also bring their own dependent children, but not grandchildren. This route will not grant permanent residence to a BNO.

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BN(O) visa

A BNO (British national overseas) visa is issued to British citizens who want to visit or live in another country. The visa can be extended for up to five years. British nationals can also work in their host country and apply for higher education. However, they cannot claim benefits. To be eligible for the BNO, you must demonstrate exceptional circumstances. Listed below are the main requirements. Obtaining a BNO visa is easy, but you must prepare to spend some time filling out forms.

A BN(O) passport holder can use an expired passport to prove their status to the Home Office, which may speed up processing. An expired passport is not mandatory, however, as the Home Office can still access your records and confirm your status. Applicants must also submit at least three recent documents proving they have permanent residence in the UK. This applies to anyone applying for a BN(O) passport, including their parents. These documents must be dated no more than 31 days before the date of the application.


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