7 Tips to Deep Clean Every Room in Your Home


Deep cleaning does not have to be an impossible task or something that you put off for a long time. A clean and tidy home is healthy both for the body and mind. Even if you ensure a regular cleaning routine, it is important to deep clean from time to time. 

When you clean, it is best to break the process down into smaller and more manageable tasks. First start with some basic tasks then move on to room-specific chores. 

Follow this article for cleaning tips and soon you will have a clean and tidy home. 

Get Rid of Clutter

Before you start cleaning, organize your things and get rid of any visible clutter that does not belong in the room. Getting rid of extra things makes it easier to clean up the space. 

You can donate or give away your old clothes to charity to organize your things better. Also, organize your cleaning supplies and tools to help you stay motivated. 

Start with the Ceiling

Begin cleaning and dusting high and hard-to-reach surfaces. Start with the ceiling, ceiling trim, light fixtures, walls, and baseboards. Use a microfiber mop to clean these surfaces. 

When you clean surfaces closer to the floor, clean them with warm water as dirt and dust build-up easily. On the spots where it is hard to clean with a mop, you can use a microfiber cloth. 

Deep Clean the Windows 

Deep cleaning the windows is the best way to make them last long and shine just like new ones. First, you need to vacuum the sills and tracks. Then use a glass cleaner for the window. Wipe the cleaner in one direction to fix streaks easily. 

If you find it hard to take off the window treatments like blinds or shades, then just simply vacuum them using the brush attachment. Put your curtains in the dryer while you wipe off the rods and rings then hang them back on. 

Clean the Surfaces

Wipe the hard surfaces like furniture, shelves, and built-ins. With one hand move away the items and use a cloth to wipe off dust with another hand. 

Clean all visible hard surfaces so that you can tackle deep areas later on. 

Clean the Floors

When you deep clean the floors, you need to move most of the things to clean the area underneath. First, remove any carpets and rugs and send them for professional rug cleaning services. 

Then move away the furniture and get rid of dirt in the corners as well. Clean the hard floor with a microfiber mop.

Deep Clean the Bedroom

Start with laundering the sheets and bedding. Run the dryer an extra spin to dry the bedding faster. 

While you have emptied the bed, clean your mattress. For this, sprinkle baking soda and let it sit for an hour then vacuum the mattress. 

Clean the Kitchen 

For the kitchen, wipe the exposed surfaces first. Wipe the cabinet door front and back with a wood cleaner. For other surfaces use warm water with dish soap. 

Then deep clean the kitchen appliances and the stove. Tidy up the countertops and remove anything unnecessary. Don’t forget the pantry room and wipe down the surfaces clean.